B.S.Anil Kumar
Assistant Professor
About myself
B.S. Anil Kumar has over Eight years of academic experience. He has been Working in Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology since 2016.B.S. Anil Kumar is presently into Training & Placements team and is designated as CSE Department Coordinator, Training & Placements. As a part of his job he liaisons with the institute’s students. He corresponds and communicates with the students about the various activities related to Training & Placements Cell. Liasioning with the employer guests, coordinating in arranging the logistics required for conducting placements activities, monitoring their hospitality needs is a part of his job routine. Coordinating with Dean Training, in designing training activities, communicating and liasioning with the training consultants, devising training schedules, taking care of the requirements for conducting training activities is another phase of his responsibility as the coordinator.
☎ Contact Details
B.S.Anil Kumar
Training & Placements Room No.1105
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: anilme87@gmail.com
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Completed M.E (CSE) with an aggregate 7.7 CGPA in Satyabhama University, Chennai (2008-2010)Completed B. Tech (CSE) with an aggregate 57.08% in Dr. Samuel George Institute of Engineering & Technology, affiliated to J.N.T.U, Markapur. (2004-2008)
Completed intermediate with 62.7% from Tejaswi Junior College, Ongole. (2002-2004)
Completed S.S.C with 74.5% from Pragathi public school, Markapur. (2001-2002)
Professional Background
Organized ”Introduction to Arduino Workshop” Programme,Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Enginnering & Technology.2017,2018.Resource person “Introduction to Arduino Workshop” Programme, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology.2017,2018.
Resource Person for Introduction to Arduino Workshop Programme for Jubilee Hills Public School, Hyderabad (Under Out Reach Activity).
Organizing committee member as International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous Computing and Applications(ICWSNUCA)-[24th -25th August2018], Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Organizing committee member asChallenge ACI, a 48 Hr Nation Wide Hackathon [12-14 October 2018] in the areas of AI, Cyber Security and IoT, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Enginnering &Technology, Hyderabad.
Academic Experience
Working as Assistant Professor in Gokararaju Ranagaraju Institute of Enginnering & Technology, Hyderabad From Feb’2016 to till date.Worked as Assistant Professor in Joginpally B.R. Engineering College, Hyderabad,From July’2013 to Feb’2016.
Worked as Assistant Professor in PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Kavali, from May’2010 to June’2013.
Administrative Experience
Coordinator, Training & Placement Cell Since 2018 till date.Coordinator, Faculty of III Year F-Sec.
Courses Taught
Data Communication and Computer NetworksObject Oriented Programming in Java
Database Management System
Micro controllers
Mobile Computing
Mobile Application Development
Operating Systems
Arduino Programming (Micro Controllers Lab)
International Journals
(IJCSIET-International Journal of Computer Science information and Engg., Technologies)Jamming Attacks Prevention Mechanism through Packet-Hiding.
An Enhancement of Text Based Filtering to Avoid Unwanted Messages using Filtering Methods in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Resource Dynamic moment and utilization effectively using virtual machines for cloud computing environment.
A Survey On Self Contained Organization Trust Model In Peer- Peer Networks.
An Enhancement Of 2 Tales Of Privacy Preserving In Social Networks.
Professional Work
Seminars and Symposiums
Participated in a Faculty Develop Programme on “Effective Teaching Methodology” ,Conducted by ISTE&JBIT,Hyderabad from 20th& 21st July 2013.Participated in a Workshop on “Use of ICT Education for Online and Blended Learning” Conducted by IIT Mumbai from May 2nd 2016 to July 10th 2016.
Participated in a Workshop on “DATA SCIENCE & BIG DATA ANALYTICS”,Organized by the E&ICT Academy,NIT Warangal,at the Dept of CSE,GRIET,Hyderabad from 4th-6th and 11th -13th November,2016.
Participated in a Workshop on “Machine Learning” Conducted by IIT Kharagpur from 16th -17th December 2017.
Participated in Embedded Systems Workshop using “ TivaC, Orbit Booster Pack &Energia “ organized by ECE Department of GRIET, Hyderbad.
Participated in “Internet of Everything” Workshop on Internet of Things held on 24th and 25th February,2018 Organized by the Dept of CSE, JNTUH, Hyderbad.
Participated in One day Hands-on Workshop on Getting Started with Rasberry PI3, Open CV and Machine Learning -11th July 2018.
Participated in a FDP on “Internet of Things (IoT)” Conducted by Online NPTEL(Funded by Ministry of HRD,Govt of India) From July-2018 ToOct-2018.
Database Programming with SQL – Oracle AcademyDatabase Design – Oracle Academy
Java Programming – Spoken Tutorials
Internet of Things(IoT) – Online NPTEL(Funded by Ministry of HRD,Govt of India)