SCI Journals

        1.G N Beena Bethel 2022),Blockchain-Based Privacy Access Control Mechanism and Collaborative Analysis for Medical Images, Security and Communication Networks.---Download Here
        2.K.Butchi Raju(Sep 2022),Smart Heart Disease Prediction System with IoT and Fog Computing Sectors Enabled by Cascaded Deep Learning Model, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.---Download Here
        3.K.Butchi Raju(Sep 2022),Method for identification of 10 SSR markers from monkey genomes and its statistical inference with One & Two-way ANOVA, MethodsX.---Download Here
        4.B.Sankara Babu(Aug 2022),Convolutional Neural Networks Based Video Reconstruction and Computation in Digital Twins, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing.---Download Here
        5.B.Sankara Babu(Aug 2022),Heart disease detection based on Feature fusion technique with augumented classification using deep learning technology, Traitement du Signal.---Download Here
        6.Ramachandran V(SEP 2022),Performance Evaluation of Stateful Firewall-Enabled SDN with Flow-Based Scheduling for Distributed Controllers, MDPI Electronics.---Download Here
        7.S.Govinda Rao(Aug 2022),IoT-Based Harmful Toxic Gases Monitoring and Fault Detection on the Sensor Dataset Using Deep Learning Techniques,Scientific Programming.---Download Here
        8.P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy, P.Rajesh,(Aug 2022), Earlier detection of brain cells mutation using region based fast convolutional neural networks (RFCNN).---Download Here
        9.Dr.V.Srilakshmi,Dr.K.Anuradha(Oct 22),Incremental text categorization based on hybrid optimization-based deep belief neural network.---Download Here
        10.V.Ramachandran(Nov 22),Liver Tumors Segmentation Using 3D SegNet Deep Learning Approach.---Download Here
        11.Dr.V.Srilakshmi,Dr.K.Anuradha(Nov 22),Intelligent decision support system for cardiovascular risk prediction using hybrid loss deep joint segmentation and optimized deep learning,Advances in Engineering Software.---Download Here
        12.Padma Vijetha Dev.B(Nov 22),B-Prim based link quality and thermal aware adaptive routing protocol for IoMT using SigFox network in WBAN.---Download Here
        13. Dr.G. Ramesh,(Feb 23),Beneficial Image Preprocessing by Contrast Enhancement Technique for SEM Images---Download Here
        14. G.Susmitha Valli(Feb 23)Manufacturing and Evaluation of Mechanical Properties for Rice Husk Particle Board Using IoT---Download Here
        15. Dr.G. Ramesh, Dr.Ch.Mallikarjuna Rao(Feb 23),Blockchain in healthcare:Moving towards a methodological framework for protecting Biomedical Databases.---Download Here
        16.AshlinDeepa R N, "Deep Learning Regression-Based Retinal Layer Segmentation Process for Early Diagnosis of Retinal Anamolies and Secure Data Transmission through Thing Speak"---Download Here
        17.Classification of Transgenic Mice by Retinal Imaging Using SVMS---Download Here

        SCOPUS Journals

        2.Channabasamma A (Sep 2022), ,A Recommendation-Based Contextual Model for Talent Acquisition, Journal of Computer Science---Download Here
        3.P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy, (Aug 2022), Detection of Gliomas in Spinal Cord Using U-Net++ Segmentation with Xg_Boost Classification,Journal of Optoelectronics Laser---Download Here
        4.P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy, (Aug 2022),Gliomas Analysis from Nervous System Using U-Net++ Segmentation with VGG-19 Net CNN Architecture, NeuroQuantology, ISSN: 1303 5150---Download Here
        5.Nandal, N., (Aug 2022). Healthcare based financial decision making system using artificial intelligence. International Journal of Health Sciences---Download Here
        8.B.Srinivasas Rao (Dec 22), A Novel Algorithm to Secure Data in New Generation Health Care System from Cyber Attacks Using IoT, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER)---Download Here
        9.Y. Krishna Bhargavi (Apr 23),”A VOS analysis of LSTM Learners Classification for Recommendation System” ---Download Here
        10.Padma Vijetha Dev.B (Jan 23), Missing Child Identification using HOG and KNN, GRADIVA REVIEW JOURNAL---Download Here
        11.Y. Krishna Bhargavi (Apr 23),A Real And Accurate Semantic Search Indexing Approach Using Asvm Machine in Big Data Analytics---Download Here
        12.G.Mallikarjuna Rao, S.Bhargavi Latha (May 2023), “Technology for Kisan Samanvayam: Nutrition Intelligibility of Groundnut Plant using IoT-ML Framework”---Download Here
        13.K.Butchi Raju and V.Keerthi (May2023),”Recognizing human activities using light-weight and effective machine learning methodologies ---Download Here
        14.G.Mallikarjuna Rao, (May 2023),”SMART FRAMEWORK FOR VISUAL COMMUNICATION TO THE PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY”Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), ISSN ISSN 2063-5346,pp.3924-3928---Download Here
        15.G.S.Bapiraju (May 2023),Digital Image Forgery Detection using Machine Learning, NEUROQUANTOLOGY---Download Here
        16.S.Bhargavi Latha (May 2023),”SELF-DRIVEN AUTOMATIC CAR, NEUROQUANTOLOGY ---Download Here
        17.Neha Nandal , Lipika Goel , ROHIT TANWAR, "Machine learning-based heart attack prediction: A symptomatic heart attack prediction method and exploratory analysis---Download Here
        18.Lipika Goel , Neha Nandal , Sonam Gupta, "An optimized approach for class imbalance problem in heterogeneous cross project defect prediction"---Download Here

        UGC Journals

        1.Y. Lakshmi Prasanna, (Nov’ 2022),”FIRE AND GUN VIOLENCE BASED ANOMALY DETECTION USING DEEP NEURAL NETWORKS”,JETIR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 4, (ISSN-2349-5162)---Download Here
        2.Dr. S. Bhargavi Latha, Dr. Y. Krishna Bhargavi, Bh.Prashanthi (April 2023), “A Novel Traffic Prediction Model for Intelligent Transportation System using Machine Learning”---Download Here
        3.D.Swathi (May 2023),An Early Intervention Strategy For Identifying Students at Risk”,GRADIVA REVIEW JOURNAL,ISSN NO : 0363-8057---Download Here
        4.B.Srinivasa Rao, (May 2023), “Design And Implementation Of Metaheuristic Inspired Cryptanalysis”, IJCRT, Volume 11, Issue 2,| ISSN: 2320-2882, pp.273-276---Download Here


        Book Chapters

        1.Ch.Mallikarjuna Rao, “ IoT-Enabled Agricultural System Applications, Challenges and Security Issues” loT and Analytics for Agriculture ---Download Here
        2.Ch.Mallikarjuna Rao,”A Hybrid Feature Selection for Improving Prediction Performance with a Brain Stroke Case Study”---Download Here
        3.Mallikarjuna Rao Gundavarapu,"Deep Learning Framework for Liver CT Image Segmentation and Risk Prediction",Smart Trends in Computing and Communications---Download Here

        SCOPUS Conferences

        1.Susmitha Valli. Gogula et. al, (July 22),“Applying CNN on Lung Images for screening Initial cancer Stages“---Download Here
        2.G.Ramesh (Aug 22), Pivot Based Seed Germination Assessment (PBSGA) Pattern for Germination Quality Analysis ---Download Here
        3.Karnam Madhavi (Sep 2022), A Fully Distributed Secure Approach for Database Security in Cloud Computing---Download Here
        4.G Mallikarjuna Rao(Aug 22), Smart Agent Framework for Color Selection of Wall Paintings. ---Download Here
        5.Gundavarapu Mallikarjuna Rao(Sep 22), Smart Framework for Automatic Control of Home Appliances Using IoT - IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series.---Download Here
        6.Susmitha valli. Gogula et. al., (Oct 22) Generic Recommendation Engine using Hybrid Filtering Model2022 IEEE International Conference on Electronics ---Download Here
        7.Dr. P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,(Aug’22)”A New Supervised Term Weight Measure Based Machine Learning Approach for Text Classification”---Download Here
        8.Dr. P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,(Aug’22)”Investigating the Role of Image Processing to Identify Pattern for Industrial Automation”---Download Here
        9.B.Srinivasa Rao, (Dec 22), ”A New Ensemble Learning based Optimal Prediction Model for Cardiovascular Diseases”---Download Here
        10.B.Srinivasa Rao, (Jan 23), ”A Proto-Type for Home Automation Using GSM Technology”, IEEE Conference.---Download Here
        11.B.Srinivasa Rao, (Jan 23), ”A Novel Machine Learning Approach of Multi-omics Data Prediction”---Download Here
        12.B.Srinivasa Rao, (Jan 23), ”Machine Learning and Deep Transfer Learning approaches were used to create a Face Mask Identification model for COVID-19”,---Download Here
        13.Karnam Madhavi (Jan 23), A Hybrid Framework for Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms---Download Here
        14.Karnam Madhavi (Jan 23), Survey: An Automatic Parallel Parking using Path Planning Methodologies---Download Here
        15.Karnam Madhavi (Jan 23), Parallel Parking and Parking Assist System for Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Vehicles---Download Here
        16.Susmitha valli. Gogula, Y.Lakshmi Prasanna. et. al. (Jan 23), "Air Contamination Prediction and Comparison Using Machine Learning Algorithms"---Download Here
        17.Ashlin Deepa R. N. (Jan 23), "Document Text Analysis and Recognition of Handwritten Telugu Scripts" ---Download Here
        18.Ashlin Deepa R. N. (Jan 23), "Drowsiness Detection Using IoT and Facial Expression"---Download Here
        19.G.CHARLES BABU,(Feb 23)“An Experimental Study on Applying Supervised Machine Learning Techniques for Identification and Detection of Cardiac Attacks”---Download Here
        20.G.CHARLES BABU,(Feb 23)“A Detailed Study on a Software-Based Fog Network-Based Delay-Tolerant Data Transmission Model”)---Download Here
        21.B.Sankara Babu (Apr 2023) “A Novel approach for Detection and Counting of Vehicles using CNN architectures”---Download Here
        22.B.Indu Priya (Apr 2023), “Automated Resume Classification System Using Ensemble Learning “---Download Here
        23.Y. Vijayalata (Apr 2023),”Privacy and Data Control on Social Networks using Deep Learning”---Download Here
        24.S Govinda Rao,P Vara Prasada Rao (Apr 2023)“Identification of Road and Surrounding Obstacles using U-Net Architecture for Better Perception”---Download Here
        25.P. Chandrasekhar Reddy(Apr 2023), “Brain Tumour Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks” ---Download Here
        26.P.Surekha (Apr 2023), “Hand Gesture Recognition and voice, text conversion using CNN and ANN”---Download Here
        27.Apurva Khandekar (May 2023), “NLP based Analysis and Detection of Unethical Text”---Download Here
        29.G.N. Beena Bethel (May 2023), “Briefing of Textual Information Using Text Rank”---Download Here
        30.G.Charles Babu (May 2023), “CRIME PREDICTION AND ANALYSIS USING MACHINE LEARNING”---Download Here
        31.Y.Krishna Bhargavi, G.Ramesh (May 2023),”Human Resource Management Using Machine Learning-Based Solutions”---Download Here
        32.K.Anuradha (May 2023),”Network Optimization of Large-Scale CNNs for Applications in Autonomous Machines”---Download Here
        33.Lipika Goel (May 2023), “ Real-Time Sign Language Recognition using Transfer Learning”---Download Here
        34.Lipika Goel (May 2023), “ Transfer Learning-based Driver Distraction Detection”---Download Here
        35.P. Varaprasada Rao (May 2023), “ Prediction of Crime Data using Machine Learning Techniques”---Download Here
        36.P. Surekha (May 2023), “ Determining the Security Standards of Different Crypto Algorithms”---Download Here
        37.V.Jyothi (May 2023), “Study of Image Forgery Detection Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform”---Download Here
        38.Ashlin Deepa R. N. (May 23),Deep-learning Residual Network Based Image Analysis for An Efficient Two-Stage Recognition of Neurological Disorders---Download Here
        39.AshlinDeepa R N, "Speech to Sign Language Translation for Indian Languages---Download Here
        40.AshlinDeepa R N, "An Innovative Emotion Recognition and Solution Recommendation Chatbot---Download Here
        41.AshlinDeepa R N, “A Novel Deep-Learning Based Classification of Alzheimer's Disease in Adults”---Download Here
        42.AshlinDeepa R N, "Early Detection of Casava Plant Leaf Diseases using EfficientNet-B0,"---Download Here
        43.AshlinDeepa R N, "Survey on Image Authentication and Privacy in Public Networks,"---Download Here
        44.AshlinDeepa R.N, "An Efficient Deep Learning Based Chatbot for GRIET," ---Download Here
        45.Neha Nandal , "Breast Cancer Detection with Machine Learning-A Review" ---Download Here
        46.Neha Nandal, "Deep Learning Based Pothole Detection" , April 2023.---Download Here
        47.Dr. S. Govinda Rao, “Detection of Traffic Congestion from Surveillance Videos using Machine Learning Techniques”---Download Here
        48.Dr. G.Mallikarjuna Rao (JUNE 2023) “Sign Language Recognition using LSTM and Media Pipe”---Download Here
        49. S Govinda Rao (June 2023) “Extractive Summarization and Multiple Choice Question Generation using XLNet---Download Here
        50. G.CHARLES BABU,(June 23)“ An Advanced Computerized Artificial Intelligent System for Assisting Real Life Feature Extraction using AI-NOVA”---Download Here
        51. G.CHARLES BABU,(June 23)“ A Secured Method for Authentication of Data Security using Public Key Cryptography"---Download Here
        52.G.CHARLES BABU,(June 23)“ Prediction and Its Impact on Its Attributes while Biasing Machine Learning Training Data” ---Download Here
        53.G.CHARLES BABU,(June 23)“ Resume Screening using NLP and LSTM” ---Download Here

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