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"The department of Computer Science and Engineering is established in the year 1997, with an intake of 40 seats. Gradually, it has been increased to 360, by 2015. The current intake of CSE department is 600. It offers B.Tech. and M.Tech. programmes in Computer Science and Engineering. The Department is accredited by NBA in 2006, 2009, 2014, 2019, and 2023. In 2023, B.Tech CSE programme is accredited by NBA for 6 years. The Department is recognized as Research & Development centre by JNTU Hyderabad. The Department has well-equipped classrooms and laboratories with good ambience. It also provides the state of art facilities through Centre of Excellence in AIML, HPC, and SDC. The faculty at CSE department imparts quality education by adopting active learning strategies, project based learning, and case based learning. It focuses on practical development through GLOB applications, Real-time research projects, mini projects and major projects in their course of study. The faculty at CSE department contribute to good research community in the areas of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Block Chain Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, and Data Science. In addition to quality teaching, students are exposed to certification courses, workshops, training programs, and internships. Intensive placement training is delivered to the students from the first year, which helps the students to be placed in high package companies."
“To be a center of global excellence and to emerge as a valuable resource for industry and society”
"To produce qualified and competent computer professionals with international standards. To foster innovative and application oriented research capabilities of young minds for the progress of society. To inculcate strong ethical values and professional behavior so as to adapt to the emerging changes in the field of computing technology."