Dr. P. Chandra Sekhar Reddy
About myself
Dr. P. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, completed his Ph.D. from JNTUA University in Computer Science and Engineering. He has 19 years of teaching, research and administrative experience. He has earlier worked as Associate professor and HOD in CSE Dept. in various reputed Engineering Colleges. His Research interest includes Image Processing, Data Mining and IoT. He has published more than 20 research papers in International journals and International conferences. He is a reviewer for international journals and chair persons at International Conferences. He has guided more than 30 projects both at UG and PG level and presented more than 10 guest lecturers. He organized many Technical events and faculty development programs.
☎ Contact Details
Dr. P. Chandra Sekhar Reddy
Department of Computer Science
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: pchandureddy@yahoo.com
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Ph.D. Computer Science & Engineering in the year 2014 JNTUA, Anantapur.
M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering in the year 2004 JNTUH, Hyderabad.
B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering in the year 1999 ,Sri Krishna Devaraya University(SKU), Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh.
Professional Background
Teaching experience of 19 years in various reputed Engineering Colleges.
Key note speaker and reviewer for many International Conferences and Seminars.
Reviewer for three International Journals.
Life Member of IAENG (International Association of Engineers).
Member of ISTE & CSI.
Administrative Experience
UG/PG Project Coordinator
PG Coordinator
PG NBA Coordinator
UG Class Coordinator
Technology Cell Coordinator
Committee Work
BOS Member
Project Review Committee Member
Department Development Committee Member
Courses Taught
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Compiler Design
Computer System Design
Cloud Computing Applications
Software Testing Methodologies
Computer Organization
C and Data Structures
International Journals
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Detection of Malicious uniform Resource Locator,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019. (Scopus indexed)
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Improve the integrity of data using hashing algorithms,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume-8 Issue-7, May, 2019. (Scopus indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Schedule-based Optimized Node Recharging Model (SONRM) For Increasing Longevity of Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Network (WRSN) “, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.12, Issue.03, pp. 319-329. 2019. (Scopus indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Central Local Directional Pattern Value Flooding Co-occurrence Matrix based Features for Face recognition”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.6 Issue.1, Jan- 2017 (Google Scholar Indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Statistical Features on Central Pixel Flooding Matrix for Face Recognition”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 12, pp. 309-312, Dec 2016. ( Copernicus Indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Age Classification with Shape Patterns derived from Central Pixel Flooding Matrix (CPFM) on Facial Images”, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol.(7), Issue(4), pp. 205-211, 2016. (Thomson reuters Indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Texture Classification with Motif Shape Patterns on Local Directional Pattern”, International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science Volume 5 Issues 10, pp. 18735-18740, Oct 2016. (SCIRUS Indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy,“Age Classification with Motif Shape Patterns on Local Binary Pattern”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, Volume 39, Number 3, pp. 134-138, September, 2016. (Google Scholar Indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy,“ Evaluation of shape features for Efficient classification based on Rotational invariant using texton model”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.5 Issue.8, pp. 282-295, August- 2016. (Google Scholar Indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Texture Classification Based On Integrated Method,”, International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, Volume 5 Issues 7, pp. 17359-17367, July 2016. ( Copernicus Indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “AAD: Adaptive Acknowledgement Using Digital Signature for Intrusion Detection in MANETs”, International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research, Volume2, Issue 12, pp.1938-1942, Dec 2015. (Cosmos Indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Local Directional Pattern based Fuzzy Co-occurrence Matrix Features for Face recognition”, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology“, Vol.(6), Issue(1), pp. 321-326, sept 2015. (Thomson reuters Indexed)
P Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Age Grouping with Central Local Binary Pattern Value Flooding Matrix based Shape Patterns”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.4 Issue.7, pp. 588-596, July- 2015. (Google Scholar Indexed)
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy, ”New Method for Classification of Age Groups Based on Texture Shape Features,” International Journal of Imaging and Robotics(IJIR), Volume 15, issue 1,pp. 19-30, 2015. (SCOPUS Indexed)
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy, ” Age Classification with Co-Occurrence Features on LBP Based Texton Matrix,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 10, pp. 17060-17065, Oct 2014. ( Copernicus Indexed)
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,”Fuzzy Based Image Dimensionality Reduction Using Shape Primitives for Efficient Face Recognition,” ICTACT Journal On Image And Video Processing, Volume 4(2), pp.696-701, 2013. (Scopus Indexed)
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,”Texture Classification Using Texton Co-Occurrence Matrix Derived From Texture Orientation,” International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), Volume2(6), pp.18-23, 2013. ( Copernicus Indexed)
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,”Fuzzy Based Texton Binary Shape Matrix (FTBSM) for Texture Classification,” Global Journal of Computer Science & Technology:F Graphics and Vision, Volume12(15), pp.38-45, 2012. ( Copernicus Indexed)
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,”Texton Based Shape Features on Local Binary Pattern for Age Classification,” International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), Volume4(7), pp.54-60, 2012. (Scopus Indexed)
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,”Object detection using AM-FM Features,” International Journal of Smart Sensors Adhoc Networks,Volume 1, issue 1, pp. 80-83, 2011. (Google Scholar Indexed)
International Conferences
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,” Motif Shape Primitives on Fibonacci Weighted Neighborhood Pattern for Age Classification “, International Conference Soft Computing And Signal Processing, (ICSCSP-2018).Springer AISC Series (Scopus Indexed)
P. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Age grouping with central local binary pattern based structure co-occurrence features”, International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, December 13-14, 2018, accepted paper for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.(Scopus indexed)
P. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, “Detection and Prediction of Breast Cancer Using CNN-MDRP Algorithm in Big Data and Machine Learning: Study and Analysis”, International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, December 13-14, 2018, accepted paper for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.(Scopus indexed).
P. Chandra Sekhar Reddy,” A Novel Approach in Clustering Algorithm to Evaluate the Performance of Regression Analysis”, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference(IACC)-2018, accepted paper for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.(Scopus indexed).
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,” Face recognition with Statistical Features on LBP based Fuzzy Co-occurrence Matrix,” International Conference on Research Advancements in Computer Science and Communication (ICRACSC - 2016).
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,” Local Binary Pattern Based Motif Shape Patterns For Texture Classification,” International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, Computing and Information Technologies (ICCSPCIT-2016).
P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy,”Texture primitives based on local Texture aspects using wavelet transforms,” Proc.2012 ICRACS.
Professional Work
Attended one week workshop on “Data Science & Big Data Analytics” organized by E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal.
Attended four week FDP “Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning” organized by National Mission Education through ICT (MHRD), IIT Bombay.
Attended one week workshop on “Deep Learning for Visual Computing” organized by IIT, Hyderabad.
Attended one week FDP “Guide to a Passionate Teacher” GRIET.
Completed NPTEL” Machine learning” Course with Elite.
Completed “Python Programming” Course conducted Hindustan University.
1. Fuzzy Neural network based Pid control system and method thereof for Industrial process control,Application No.201941024479 A, Date of patent publication:5/7/2019
2. High efficient wind-solar-diesel hybrid system & Method thereof for application in remote areas, Application No. 201911023126 A , Date of patent publication: 21/06/2019