Assistant Professor
About myself
GEETHA KUMARI.B, Working as an Assistant
Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering ,GRIET. pursuing Ph.D(CSE) in Big Data from KLEF University., Completed M.Tech(CSE) from G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science in Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University Hyderabad.
☎ Contact Details
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
GRIET, Bachupally, Hyderabad.
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Pursuing PhD in Big Data from KLEF University.
MTech(CSE) from G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad.
1. I presented paper in international conference on systems, science, control, communication, engineering and technology 2017, paper title” Ensuring interoperability in generating and integrating CDA for HIE based on Cloud Computing System”16th Feb 2017.
1.Published Paper titled” Using Machine Learning Algorithms To Analyze Visualize And Detect Crime Data In Three Dimensional Directions” in Turkish Online Journal Of Qualitative Inquiry, ISSN NO: 1309-6591,vol 12 No.7,pp:7423-7428 ,JUL 2021(SCOPUS).
2.Published Paper titled “Detection of Malignant Things at Public space Using Deep Learning Technique” in The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, ISSN NO:0886-9367, Volume XIII, Issue VIII,pp:1543-1549,during AUG 2021.
3.Published Paper titled “An Efficient Face Mask Detection Framework Using Machine Learning”, in The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, ISSN NO:0886-9367 , Volume XIII,Issue VIII, pp.1538-1542,during AUG 2021. Education: ➢ Pursuing PhD in Big Data from KLEF University. ➢ MTech(CSE) from G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad.
4.Published Paper titled ”A Framework Through Iterative Classification for Sterilizing Enormous Datasets” in International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, ISSN NO : 2249-7455,Volume: IX,Issue: VI,pp.168-174, during JUNE 2019.
5.Published Paper titled” Intrusion Detection Using Navie Bayes By Analyzing Big Data”, ISSN:2456-3307 ,Volume 2, Issue: 6, pp.469-475 , during NOV 2017.
6.Published Paper titled “Importance Of Big Data In Business Analytics”,ISSN:2456- 3307,Volume: 2,Issue: 6, pp.475-480, during NOV 2017.
7.Published Paper titled “A Survey Of Page Ranking Algorithms” ISSN(ONLINE):2319-8753, ISSN(PRINT):2347-6710,Volume: 6, Issue: 10, pp:1111-1115, during OCT-2017.
8.Published Paper titled”A Supporter In High Differential Data Division “,ISSN-2455-6300(ON LINE),Volume: 2, Issue: 10, pp.140-144, during OCT 2017.
9.Presented a paper in conference titled “Ensuring interoperability in generating and integrating CDA for HIE based on Cloud Computing System” in International Conference on Systems, Science, Control, Communication, Engineering and Technology 2017, ISBN: 978-81- 933235-0-2, during Feb 2017.
10.Published Paper titled “Identifying And Improving The Quality Of Product By Analyzing User Reviews” ISSN-2455-6300(ON LINE) ,Volume: 1 Issue: 8, pp.69-74, during AUG 2016.
11.Published Paper titled “Extract The Target List With High Accuracy From Top-K Web Pages “,ISSN:2455-6300 , Volume: 1 Issue: 2, pp.65-69 , during FEB 2016.
12.Published Paper titled “Protecting The Users Sensitive Information From melicious Attacks By Analyzing And Identifying The Suspecious Applications In Social Network By Using IPSFAPP”. ISSN NO: 2456-5083,Volume: 04 Issue: 04, pp.530-538, during AUG 2015.
13.Published Paper titled “Troop Finding For Top-K Enquiry Preparation Over Indefinite Data” , P-ISSN:2348-6848, E-ISSN:2348-795X Volume: 2 Issue: 6, pp:846-851, during JUN 2015.
Adaptive Deep Learning Model for Face Detection and Recognition Research work: 1.Pre-Ph.D completed 2.Review-1,2completed
Title #1(B.Tech): “REMOTE PROCESSING” Description: The project will have remote control, which allows them to view and interact with one computer to another computer anywhere on the internet. The project will allow a person at remote computer to assume control of another computer across a network, as if they were sitting in front of the computer. All group members can work on the same application at the same time.
Title #2(M.Tech): “MODEL-BASED SEGMENTATION FRAMEWORK FOR PROCESSING OF HANDWRITING” Description: This paper describes a model-based segmentation framework for the partitioning of handwriting. This method sheds some light on the origin of the Difficulties related to handwriting signal partitioning. It is very general and can be used to support, analyze and even compare previously reported segmentation schemes.