Faculty Profile

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      About myself

Dr.K.Anuradha, is working as Professor in Computer Science and Engineering in GRIET since 2007. She is also the Dean of Academic Affairs since 2014 in GRIET. She has over 31 years of academic and research experience in Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology and VNRVJIET in Hyderabad. She completed her Ph.D from JNTU, Anantapur in 2011 & Ph.D in Mathematics from JNTU, Hyderabad in 2006. Prior to PhD, she studied Master of Technology in Computer Science from Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi.

Dr.Anuradha currently as a DEAN ICT, manages Learning Management System of GRIET-Moodle for Teaching–Learning purpose to all undergraduate and Post graduate degree programmes at GRIET. She has been in this role since February , 2019

Dr. Anuradha’s research interests are Data Mining, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Software Engineering in which she has more than 35 publications in various reputed journals and conferences.. She is top performer in “Data Mining” NPTEL course by IIT Madras. She is also Life Member of ISTE.

☎ Contact Details
Professor & Dean ICT
Department of Computer Science
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: kodali.anuradha@yahoo.com
Mobile No.:9440619039
Scopus ID: 55941443200, https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55941443200
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=A2OhpQoAAAAJ&hl=en
h index: 5, citations: 83

      Curriculam Vitae

Educational Details

PhD (Computer Science & Engineering) from JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur in 2011
Ph.D (Mathematics) from JNTUH, Hyderabad in 2006
M.Tech (Computer Science and Engg.) from BITS, Pilani in 2001
M.Sc(Mathematics) from Nagarjuna University in 1987
B.Sc(Mathematics) from ANR college , Gudivada in 1984
S.S.C from Hindu High school , Machilipatnam in 1979

Professional Background

Presently working as Professor in CSE Department at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Hyderabad since 2007 and also Dean of Academic Affairs since 2014.
Worked as HOD in CSE Department at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Hyderabad from 2007 to 2014.
Worked as Associate Professor in Department of Mathematics at VNRVJIET , Hyderabad from 1996 to 2007
Worked as Lecturer in CBIT from 1995 to 1996.
Worked as Lecturer in V.M.C.Mahila vidya peeth,Vizag from 1991 to 1995
Worked as Lecturer in Ushodaya College , Vizag from 1988 to 1991.
Worked as Lecturer in ANR College , Gudivada from 1987 to 1988.

Administrative Experience

Dean ICT in Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana , Feb 2019 to Till date.
NBA overall coordinator
PACK committee Coordinator
Research experience: 11 years
Teaching experience: 32 years
Field of specialization: Data Mining, Image Processing, Software Engineering, Network Security and Computer Networks.

Details of Research Scholars

S.No-- Name of the Scholar-- University-- Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor-- Year of registration-- Major Area & Specialization-- Status of Research Work
1.-- MallikharjunaRao K-- JNTUH-- Supervisor-- 2012-- Software Engineering-- Completed
2.-- B Dhana Laxmi-- JNTUH-- Co-Supervisor-- 2012-- Software Engineering-- Completed
3.-- M Narendhar-- JNTUH-- Supervisor-- 2012-- Software Engineering-- Completed
4.-- T Jhansi Rani-- JNTUH-- Supervisor-- 2012-- Data Mining-- In progress
5.-- R Vijaya Saraswathi-- JNTUH-- Co-Supervisor-- 2012-- Data Mining-- In progress
6.-- N Chennakesavulu-- JNTUH-- Supervisor-- 2012-- Software Engineering-- Completed
7.-- Prakash-- JNIAS(JNTUH)-- Supervisor-- 2014-- Data Mining-- Completed
8.-- V.Srilakshmi-- JNTUA-- Supervisor-- 2015-- Data Mining-- In progress
9.-- Y.Raju-- JNTUH-- Co-Supervisor-- 2012-- Data Mining-- Completed

Courses Taught

B. Tech(CSE): Theory
1. Data Warehousing and Mining
2. Compiler Design
3. Database Management Systems
4. C programming & Data Structures
5. OOPS through Java
6. Advanced Data Structures

B.Tech(CSE) : Labs
1. Database Management Systems Lab
2. C Programming & Data Structures Lab
3. Advanced Databases lab
4. Java Programming lab

M.Tech(CSE): Theory
1.Advanced Computer Networks

1. Received gold medal in M.Sc (Mathematics).
2.Secured Top 2% in Data Science course conducted during January-June 2018 from NPTEL.


Details of ResearchPapers Publications:
a) No. of Scopus Indexed Publications – 20
b) Total Number of Journal Publications – 51
c) Total Number of Conference Proceedings -11

1) Srilakshmi, V., Anuradha, K., Bindu, C.S., Incremental text categorization based on hybrid optimization-based deep belief neural network in Journal of High Speed Networks 27 (2021) 183–202 , DOI 10.3233/JHS-210659

2) Prakash K, L., Anuradha, K., Surya Narayana, G., A Novel Association Approach to Generate Patterns for Multi-valued Data in Efficient Data Classification in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021, 698, pp. 1331-1342

3) Thejaswee, M., Srilakshmi, P., Karuna, G., Anuradha, K., Hybrid IG and GA based Feature Selection Approach for Text Categorization in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2020, 2020, pp. 1606–1613, 9297468

4) Srilakshmi, V., Anuradha, K., Bindu, C.S., Optimized deep belief network and entropy-based hybrid bounding model for incremental text categorization in International Journal of Web Information Systems, 2020, 16(3), pp. 347-368

5) Vijaya Saraswathi, R., Padma Sree, L., Anuradha, K., Support vector based regression model to detect sybil attacks in WSN in International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2020, 9(3), pp. 4090-4096

6) Saraswathi, R.V., Padma Sree, L., Anuradha, K.Dynamic group key management scheme for clustered wireless sensor networks in International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2020, 11(6), pp. 801-814

7) Srilakshmi, V., Anuradha, K., Shoba Bindu, C., Stochastic gradient-CAViaR-based deep belief network for text categorization in Evolutionary Intelligence, 2020

8) R Vijaya Saraswathi , Dr. L Padma Sree , Dr. K Anuradha DynGKM: Dynamic Group Key Management Scheme for Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Networks in International Journal of Network Security(Communicated)

9) R Vijaya Saraswathi, Dr. L Padma Sree , Dr. K Anuradha ,Multi-stage Key Management Scheme for Cluster based WSN in International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 10, No. 3, December 2018(Scopus indexed)

10) Rajul, Y., Babu, D.S., Anuradha, K.,Analysis on Periodic Web Personalization for the Efficiency of Web services in Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies, 978-1-5386-1974-2/18, ICICCT 2018(Scopus indexed)

11) Raju, Y., Suresh Babu, D., Anuradha, K, A web usage association learning methods based on mining techniques for web personalizationin Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology , Vol.96. No 10,31st May 2018(Scopus indexed) 

12) Lnc Prakash, K., Anuradha, K. ,Optimal feature selection for multivalued attributes using transaction weights as utility scale in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ,Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics pp 533-545, 24 July 2018(Scopus indexed)

13) B.Dhanalaxmi, Dr.G.Apparao Naidu and Dr.K.Anuradha ,A Review on Different Defect Detection Models in Software Systems,Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 07-Special Issue, 2018, pp. (241-243)

14) B.Dhanalaxmi, Dr. G.Apparao Naidu and Dr.K.Anuradha ,A Survey on Software Inspection Improvisation Techniques through Probabilistic Fault Prediction Method in Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 07-Special Issue, 2018

15) V.Srilakshmi ,Dr.K.Anuradha , Dr.C.Shoba Bindu,A Probability relevance classification approach for service information discovery using semantic domain knowledge in IJET , International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.29) (2018) 543-549

16) B.Dhanalaxmi, Dr.G.Apparao Naidu and Dr.K.Anuradha ,Defect Classification using Relational Association Rule Mining Based on Fuzzy Classifier along with Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 11 (2017) pp. 2879-2886(Scopus Indexed)

17) LNC.Prakash K, K.Anuradha ,Clustering Multivalued Attribute Data Using Transaction Weights As Utility Scale,Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems Vol. 9. Sp– 18 / 2017

18) M.Narendar,Dr.K.Anuradha,An Effort and Defect measuring Technique for Effective and Quality Software Development, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems,Special Issue – 5, pp:215-226, ,July 2017

19) B.Dhanalaxmi, Dr.G.Apparao Naidu and Dr.K.Anuradha ,A Rule-Based Prediction Method For Defect Detection In Software System in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 31st July 2017. Vol.95. No 14.(Scopus indexed)

20) M.Narendar,Dr.K.Anuradha, An efficient design model validation for the quality software development in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol 95,No 11 ,E-ISSN:1817-3195, June 2017(Scopus Indexed)

21) Mallikarjuna Rao K,Dr. K.Anuradha , An efficient method for enhancing reliability and selection of software reliability growth model through optimization techniques in Journal of software , Vol 12, No 1, January 2017

22) Mallikarjuna Rao K,Dr. K.Anuradha , Performance Evaluation of software reliability growth models using optimization techniques in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security ,Vol 14 , No 11, Nov 2016

23) B.Dhanalaxmi, Dr. G.Apparao Naidu and Dr.K.Anuradha , A Fault Prediction Approach based on the Probabilistic Model for Improvising Software Inspection in Indian Journal of Science and Technology ,Vol 9(45) ,Dec 2016

24) M.Narendhar ,K.Anuradha , An Automated Requirement Ranking Approach for Identifying Software Requirement in Indian Journal of Science and Technology ,Vol 9(40),Oct 2016(Scopus Indexed)

25) Y.Raju ,Dr.D. Suresh Babu , Dr.K.Anuradha , Inferring User Search Goals with Feedback Sessions Using Clicked Documents for Related Search Recommendations in International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences Vol 6 , Issue 11, Nov -2016

26) B.Dhanalaxmi, Dr. G.Apparao Naidu ,Dr. K.Anuradha , Practical Guidelines to Improve Defect Prediction Model – A Review published in International Journal of Engineering Science Invention ISSN(Online):2319-6734,Volume 5 ,Issue 9 ,September 2016

27) Lnc.Prakash K α, K.Anuradha σ & D.Vasumathi,A Survey on Clustering Techniques for MultiValued Data Sets,in Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: C Software & Data Engineering Volume 16 Issue 1 Version 1.0 Year 2016

28) R.Vijaya Saraswathi , L.Padmasri ,K.Anuradha ,Dynamic and probabilistic key management for distributed wireless sensor networks  in IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, ICCIC 2016(Scopus Indexed)

29)  K.Anuradha ,Y.Raju A new method to isolate user quest goals using feedback session in International Journal of Advanced Computing , Vol 8 ,Issue 1, Jan 2016

30) K.Anuradha ,A novel method for preventing incognito users to access users to access data in cloud using digital signature scheme with the aid of idea algorithm, International Journal of Advanced Computing Vol 8 ,Issue 1,Jan 2016

31) Narendhar M and K.Anuradha , Different approaches of Sofware Requirements Prioritization in International Journal of Engineering Science and Invention ,Vol 5,Sep 2016

32) Mallikharjuna Rao K ,Dr.K. Anuradha ,A New Method to Optimize the Reliability of Software Reliability Growth Models using Modified Genetic Swarm Optimization published in International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 145 – No.5, July 2016

33) T.Jhansi Rani , Dr.K.Anuradha , Dr.P.Vijayapal Reddy ,A Mixed Approach for Data and Sentiment Analysis on Twitter in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol 5,Issue 6 ,June2016

34) T.Jhansi Rani,Dr.K.Anuradha , Dr.P.Vijayapal Reddy ,Sentiment Classification on Twitter data using Word N Gram Model in International Journal of Technology and Engineering Science Vol4(1) ,2016

35) Ms.K.Deepthi , Dr.K.Anuradha,Big Data Mining Using Very Large Scale data processing platforms ,Int.Journal of Engineering Research and Applications Vol6, Issue 2,2016

36) Mallikharjuna Rao K ,Dr.K. Anuradha ,An Efficient Method for Software Reliability Growth Model Selection Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Technique published in International Review on Computers and Software 10(12):1169-1178 · December 2015(Scopus Indexed)

37) B.Dhanalaxmi, Dr.G.Apparao Naidu, Dr.K.Anuradha, A Review on Software Fault Detection and Prevention Mechanism in Software Development Activities published at IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 6, Ver. V (Nov – Dec. 2015), PP 25-30

38) Mulugu Narendhar, Dr.K.Anuradha , A Review on Systematic Quality Software Designing and DevelopmentPractices published at IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 5, Ver. IV (Sep. – Oct. 2015), PP 88-95

39) N.Sandhya, K.Anuradha,V.Sowmya,Ch.Vidyadhari Farthest Neighbor Approach for Finding InitialCentroids in KMeans Published at International Journal of Data Engineering (IJDE), Volume (5) : Issue (1) : 2014

40) Narendhar Mulugu, Dr. K. Anuradha An Overview of Security Architecture Mining using Agile Technology Published at International Journal of Engineering & Science Research,Vol.3,Issue 11,November 2013.

41) K.F.Bharati , Prof.P.Premchand, Prof.A.Govardhan , Dr.K.Anuradha , Dr.N.Sandhya A Framework for Deep Web Crawler using Genetic Algorithm IJECSE , ISSN 2277-1956/V2N2 602-609

42) N. Sandhya, Y. Sri Lalitha , V.Sowmya , Dr. K. Anuradha and Dr. A. Govardhan Analysis of Stemming Algorithm for Text Clustering. Published at IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 1, September 2011.

43) Y. Sri Lalitha, N. Sandhya , Dr. K. Anuradha and Dr. A. Govardhan, Neighbor Based TEXT document clustering.Published at (IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 9, No. 8, August 2011.

44) N.Sandhya,Y.Srilatha,Dr.A.Govardhan,Dr.K.Anuradha Analysis of similarity measures for Text Clustering Presented at International Journal of Data Engineering 2011

45) Y. Sri Lalitha, N. Sandhya , Dr. K. Anuradha and Dr. A. Govardhan. An improved Approach for Document Retrieval Using Suffix Trees.Published at (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 9, 2011.

46) N. Sandhya,K.Anuradha, Sk.Althaf.H. Basha, P.Premchand, A.Govardhan.Rank Analysis Through Polyanalyst Using Linear Regression.Published at IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.9 No.9, September 2009.

47) K.Anuradha,T.V.RajaniKanth,P.Premchand,I.V.Murali Krishna.Weather Data Analysis of Rajasthan State using Data Mining Technique.Published at IJAC International Journal of Advanced Computing,Vol 3,Issue 2,April 2011.

48) K.Anuradha,P.Nagaswararao,N.Ch.Pattabhiramacharyulu.Steady Flow of Thermo-Viscous Fluid Around a Moving Circular Pipe.Published at International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research and Applications 1(1) January-June 2007.

49) N.Ch.Pattabhiramacharyulu, B.KrishnaGandhi, P.Nagaswararao, K.Anuradha. Steady Flow of Thermo-Viscous Fluid Around and Within a Rotating Sphere. Published at Indian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences,Vol 2, No.2,December 2006.

50) N.Ch.Pattabhiramacharyulu, B.KrishnaGandhi, P.Nagaswararao, K.Anuradha. Steady Flow of Thermo-Viscous Fluid Through a Moving Circular Pipe.Published at Indian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences,Vol 2, No.2,December 2006.

51) N.Ch.Pattabhiramacharyulu, B.KrishnaGandhi, K.Anuradha. Steady Flow of Thermo-Viscous Fluid Between Two Parallel Plates In Relative Motion.Published at Indian Journal of Mathematical Sciences,Vol 5, No.1,June 2006.

      Books Published

Books Published: Formal Languages and Automata Theory

      Completed Research Projects

Completed Research Projects: Parallel Programming and Operating Systems(Modrobs)

      Papers presented in Conferences/Seminars

1) Analysis on Periodic Web Personalization for the Efficiency of Web services Y.Raju, Dr. D. Suresh Babu and Dr. K. Anuradha published in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT 2018)

2) Mallikharjuna Rao K, Kodali. Anuradha ,A Hybrid method for parameter Estimation of software reliability growth model using Modified Genetic Swarm Optimization with the aid of Logistic Exponential Testing Effort Function published in  International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS), 6-7 May 2016(Scopus Indexed)

3) Mallikharjuna Rao K, Kodali. Anuradha An Efficient Method for Parameter Estimation of Software Reliability Growth Model Using Artificial Bee Colony Optimization published in Springer International publishing Switzerland 2015.

4) B.Dhanalaxmi, Dr. G.Apparao Naidu, K.Anuradha , Adaptive PSO based Association Rule Mining Technique for Software Defect Classification using ANN published in International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014)(Scopus Indexed)

5) M.Narendra , K.Anuradha ,Study on Agile Process Methodology and Emergence of Unsupervised Learning to Identify Patterns from Object Oriented System published in proceedings of 48th Annual convention of CSI – volume II, Advances in Intelligent Systems & computing 249 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2010(Scopus Indexed)

6) Dr. N.Sandhya, Dr. K.Anuradha, Dr. A.Sai Hanuman and V.Sowmya Text Document Clustering with a Variant Partitional Approach Presented at National Conference on Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition

7) Dr.K.Anuradha, Dr.N.Sandhya, Ch.Vidyadhari, V.Srilakshmi Text Document Clustering with an improved K Modes Approach Presented at National Conference on Modern Trends in Computer Science and Technology

8) Dr.N.Sandhya, Dr.K.Anuradha,V.Sowmya A Variant Agglomerative Approach for Text Document Clustering Presented at National Conference on Modern Trends in Computer Science and Technology

9) K.Anuradha, P.Premchand, N.Sandhya and I.V.Murali Krishna. Polyanlyst-Spatial Datamining Tool for Polio Cases analysis.Presented at 3rd International conference on healthGIS 2009,24-26 July,2009,Hyderabad,India.

10) K.Anuradha,Steady flow of a Second order Thermo-Viscous Fluid Between Two Parallel Plates in relative motion.Presented at XII CONGRESS,Andhra Pradesh Society of Mathematical Sciences, Osmania University,Hyderabad in 2003.

11) K.Anuradha, An unsteady laminar viscous flow superposed in a straight pipe of an equilateral Triangular cross section.Presented at X CONGRESS,Andhra Pradesh Society of Mathematical Sciences in 2002.

      Professional Work

Seminars and Symposiums


1. Participated in One day Workshop on “Moodle Learning Management System” conducted by IIT , Bombay at GRIET on 15th March 2019.

2. Participated in one day Workshop on "Introduction to Machine Learning" at GRIET conducted by IIT ,Kharagpur during 16-17 Dec 2017

3. Participated in One Week National Level Faculty Development Program on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics” conducted by GRIET in association with NIT-Warangal from 4th- 6th & 11th-13th November 2016.

4. Participated in Four Week ISTE workshop on “Computer Programming” conducted by IIT Bombay through ICT at GRIET, Hyderabad from 20th May to 21st June 2014.

5. Participated in Two Week ISTE workshop on “Database Management Systems” conducted by IIT Bombay through ICT at GRIET, Hyderabad from 21st to 31st May 2013.

6. Participated in Four Week workshop on “Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended learning” conducted by IIT Bombay at GRIET, Hyderabad from 2nd may to 10th July 2016.

7. Participated in one Week workshop on “Guide to a Passionate Teacher” conducted by GRIET, Hyderabad from 29th June to 4th July 2015.

8. Participated in a two day FDP on “Current Research Trends In Computer Science” at GRIET From 18th to 19th December 2015.

9.Participated in one Week workshop on “Soft Computing and Machine learning” conducted by GRIET, Hyderabad from 3rd to 8th March 2014

10. Participated in a three day FDP on “J2ME” at GRIET from 18th to 20th February 2013.

11.Participated in a two day workshop, “Computational Methods-Emphasis on Programming Skills & C Language” at GRIET from 28th to 29th August 2012.


1. OCA certified
2.OCJP certified

Certified in: a) Oracle Certified Associate (OCA-SQL)

b) Oracle Certified Associate (OCA-PL/SQL)

c) Oracle Certified Java Professional(OCJP)

d) Oracle Certified Web Component Developer(OCWCD)Certified in NPTEL courses
1. Data Mining with 71%
2. Data Science with 84%

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