Mr.N.Krishna Chythanya
Assistant Professor
About myself
I am an avid reader of books and readily shares my knowledge with students
and colleagues who approach for help in subject or life. Has conducted more than 10000 training
hours for Competitive exams like Banks Clerks/POs , LIC, RRB,Police etc,and Personality
Development, besides this has a rich 15+ years of Teaching experience to Graduate and Post
Graduate Engineering Students in different reputed Engineering Colleges. Successfully handled
varied engineering subjects in the past and also served at different positions like Head,Department
of I.T.,Head,Dept.Of CSE, Deputy Director Training & Placements, Director Training & Placements
in various Engineering Colleges where in efficiently and in a optimized way conducted related
activities.I did my B.E.(Comp.Tech.) and M.Tech(CSE) and is currently pursuing PhD in the area of
Neural Networks and Software Engineering. My area of interests includes Neural Networks,Software
Engineering,Operating Systems,Information Security. I am open for collaborative work with like
minded people for projects or research papers.
☎ Contact Details
Mr. N.Krishna Chythanya
Department of Computer Science
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: kcn_be@rediffmail.com
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Pursuing PhD (CSE) in Osmania University. Hyderabad, Telangana.
M.Tech (Computer Science Engineering) JNTU,Hyderabad,Telangana, 2009.
B.E.(Computer Technology),KITS-Ramtek, Nagpur University, Maharashtra 2003.
Global Certification:
Certified Application Developer – SERVICENOW.
Professional Background
AAssistant Profesor, CSE, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology-Hyd. Dec 2015-tilldate
Associate Professor, CSE, SVS Group of Institutions-Hanamkonda, July 2013- Nov 2015.
Associate Professor, CSE, Ramappa Engineering College-Hanamkonda. Dec 2008- June 2013.
Assistant Professor, CSE, Ramappa Engineering College-Hanamkonda, Dec 2006-Dec 2007
Lecturer, CSE, Kakatiya Institute Of Technology & Sciences-Warangal, Dec 2003-Dec 2006.
Administrative Experience
Director, Training & Placements-S.V.S.G.O.I.-Hnk-2013-2015.
Deputy Director, Training & Placements-R.E.C.-Hnk-2012-2013.
Head, Department of Computer Science Engineering-R.E.C.-Hnk-2009-2012.
Head, Department of Information Technology, R.E.C.-Hnk-2007-2008.
Centre Head for Govt./TCS-ION Online Examinations in R.E.C. and also in S.V.S.G.O.I. during 2012-2015.
Committee Work
Organized off line Smart City Hackathon in GRIET during 12-13 March 2018
Organized 36 hours Learnathon of Salesforce in GRIET in Feb 2018.
Organized talks by eminent people from technical & communication skill
background at a rate of at least one per week as Deputy Director, T & P at Ramappa Engineering College.
Coordinator –CSE - PRAGYNA 2017
NBA Coordinator for 3 times in previously worked colleges.
Convener for 3 National level workshops conducted by CSE department of Ramappa Engineering College during 2012-2013.-(TEAPS,RAINN,STAAIRS).
Organized JOBFAIR, Industry Institution Interaction, Student Industry Visits during 2013-2016
Convener for “Samavarthan”-College Convocation program 2011-REC-Hnk.
Disciplinary Committee Head for 3 years in R.E.C.-Hnk.
Cultural Activities Coordinator for 2 years in R.E.C.-Hnk.
Annual Day Celebrations Convener –R.E.C.-Hnk.
Coordinator for developing Student Handbook
Coordinator for developing Project Description Document, Technical Seminar Description Document
Member –Departmental/College Recruitment Committee, CSE-Ramappa Engineering College & SVSGOI- during 2009-2015.
Courses Taught
C Programming
OOPs Through JAVA
DS through C++
Software Engineering
Software Requirements and Estimation
Software Testing Methodologies
Testing Tools
Operating Systems
Compiler Design
Wireless Application Proctocol
Computer Organization
Management Information Systems(for MBA)
Human Values and Professional Ethics
Gender Sensitization
Artificial Intelligence
Artifical Intelligence and Nueral Networks
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
Machine Learning.
Journal Publications
1. Krishna Chythanya Nagaraju, “HIP Using Mirror Imaged Characters and fingerprint authentication for on-line election” International Journal of Advances in Engeering Technolgy, Aug-2012.
2. N.Krishna Chythanya etal, “Dynamic Decoy File Usage to Protect from malicious insider for data on public cloud “-International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology-Volume-01, Issue-03, October 2013, ISSN No: 2309 4893.
3. N.Krishna Chythanya etal.. “Roads paved for software REUSE in Software Engineering “,-International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, August 2016.
4. N. Krishna Chythanya etal-“Frequency and Boolean Based Secret Shared Watermarking for Authentication of Video Data”-Advances in Image and Video Processing-Dec 2016, Vol 4, DOI:10.14738/aivp.46.2534
5. Krishna Chythanya.N, etal-Smart Solution for Offline Maps and Navigation- International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 120 No. 6 2018, Pg:12009-12018.41031284 A INDIA).
1. Krishna Chythanya Nagaraju- “CAPTCHAs with Mirror Images” at ISAN-2009 –A National level Conference conducted by CHITKARA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-Chandigarh Punjab during 19-20 June 2009.
2) N.Krishna Chythanya etal. “A Cognitive Approach Based Wireless Information Security for Mobile Health Care System”. at National Conference on Recent Advances on Soft Computing and Knowledge Discovery (SCKD2k12) Tirupati, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh during January 19-21, 2012.
Professional Work
Seminars and Symposiums
Convener for a 2-Day National Level Workshop on “TEACHING ETHICS AND PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT SKILS” conducted during 29 th -30 th June 2011 in Ramappa Engineering College.
Convener for a 4-Day National Level Workshop on Software Testing Tools, Techniques and Intellectual Property Rights conducted during 07 th -10 th of October 2010 in Ramappa Engineering College.
Convener for National Level 2-day workshop on Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks during 23-24 th January 2010 in Ramappa Engineering College.
AttendedAcademic Leadership and Institutional Development-One day workshop –KLU Vizayawada. Aug 2018.
Attended AI & Deep Learning 2 day workshop at SR EC-Warangal-17-19 June 2018
Attended 2 day -TASK - Boot Camp on Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics on 7th & 8th May 2018 in CMR Institute of Technology-Medchel.
Attended 12 day SERVICENOW Faculty Development Program organized by ServiceNow Company-Hyderabad in association with Task.March 2018
Attended Technical talk by Prof.Risto on Evolutionary Neural Networks on 14-12-2017 at GRIET-Hyd.
Attended a 2 day Salesforce Trailhead Train the trainer workshop at BVRIT-Narsapur during 29-11-2017 to 30-11-2017
Attended a 4-day workshop -“R” and other open source courses by Spoken Tutorials at GRIET Hyd during 6-9-2017 to 17-9-2017.
Attended a 8-week workshop- IITBombayX-on topic "Technical Communication for Scientists and Engineers" during 21-1-2017 to 31-3-2017 at GRIET-Hyd
Attended a 8- week workshop- IITBombayX – on topic“Implementation of Data Structures” during 7-7-2016 to 9-9-2016 at GRIET Hyd.
Attended a 8-week workshop -IITBombayX – on topic“Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning” during-2-5-2016 to 9-7-2016 at GRIET Hyd
Attended a 8-week workshop-IITBombayX – on topic“Educational Technology for Engineering Teachers” between 2016-01-07 to 2016-03-07 at GRIET Hyd.
Attended a Seminar on Information Security conducted by CSI-Hyderabad chapter on 18/09/’10
Attended a Seminar on Research Methodology in Computer Science- conducted by CSI-hyderabad chapter on 18/07/’10
Attended a 3-day workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning conducted by Srinidhi Institute of Technology – Ghatkesar, Hyderabad in the month of November 2009
Attended a 3-day IBM-Rational Rose(UML) training program at Ramappa Engineering College-Warangal during First week of September 2009.
Attended a 1-day workshop on Information Security conducted by Chitkara Institute of Technology on 20 th June 2009.
Attended a 5-day Staff Development Program on Software Testing and Quality Assurance conducted by Aurora Engineering College-Bhongir,during Feb-’07.
Attended a 5-day IBM-Rational Rose(UML) training program at K.I.T.S.-Warangal during October 2006.
Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education (LMISTE). Member, Computer Society of India (CSI).