P. Tara Kumari
Assistant Professor
About myself
P. Tara Kumari is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, GRIET, Hyderabad. She has more than 7 years of
experience in Teaching, Industrial and Administrative works. She holds B.Tech. and
M.Tech degrees in CSE, received in 2007 and 2015 respectively. Her research interests
are in the area of Block chain Technology, IoT. She has a broad range of interests and
☎ Contact Details
Mrs. P. Tara Kumari
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
GRIET, Bachupally, Hyderabad.
Faculty ID:1689
JNTUH ID:9302-150409-135218
Mobile Number:+91-7013159033
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Master of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering) from CMR Institute of Technology, Medchal, TS in 2015.
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science & Engineering) from B V Raju Institute of Technology , Narsapur, Medak, TS in 2007.
Professional Background
Presently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at GRIET, Hyderabad from October 2022 to till date.
Worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at CMR College of Engineering and Technology from Dec 2020 to Oct, 2022.
Worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at St. Peter’s Engineering College, Dhulapally,Hyderabad from June 2016 to June 2020.
Worked as an Software Engineer in Relgo Networks on C#.Net from the year 2007 to 2009.
Courses taught:
1. R Programming
2. Scripting Languages
3. Computer Networks
4. Software Engineering
5. Adhoc Sensor Networks
6. OOPS through C++
7. Mobile Computing
8. Programming for Problem Solving
1. Automatic Identification and Data Capture in Mobile via RFID, Vol-118 No.9 2018,Jan, IJPAM.(SCOUPS)
2. A Secure Distributed Anonymous Routing Protocol for Wireless and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IJIACS , Vol-7, Issue-5, May,2018
3. Privacy Preserving and Content Protecting Location Based Queries, IJETSR, V-5,I-5, May 2018
4. A Personalized Hierarchical Quality-Based Cipher Text Contact Control Process for Mobile Cloud Computing., IJITR, Vol-5,issue-3,April-May 2017.
5. Anonymous Authentication on Decentralized Access Control in Clouds using KDC, IJRECS, v-5,I-5, SEP-OCT 2015.
Workshops/FDP's Attended
Workshop on “Moodle Learning Management System” at GRIET, Hyderabad. One-week FDP on “Security applications using Block chain Technology” at GNITS, Hyderabad.
“Introduction to Machine Learning “, IIT Kharagpur at GRIET, Hyderabad.
“Foundation program in ICT for education” (IIT Bombay) at GRIET, Hyderabad.
“Pedagogy for online and blended teaching-learning process” (IIT Bombay) at GRIET, Hyderabad.
Attended a One Week FDP on “Faculty Induction Program” Organized by GRIET during 01-08 October 2016
Book Publications:
Published a book on “Software Engineering” by VSRD Academic Publishing, First Edition, Nov 2018,ISBN-13,Code No.:VSRDAPCSIT-145..