About myself
R.Shanmuka Shalini, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, completed Masters of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering and earned Bachelors of Technology in computer science and Engineering. She has an experience of 4 years of academic experience and guided projects in the field of programming.
Her research interests include network security.
☎ Contact Details
R.Shanmuka Shalini
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and engineering department
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Email: shannu.sneha@gmail.com
Mobile No.:9951178555
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
M.Tech (Computer Science and Engg.) from RSS,JNTUH in 2014
B.TECH (Computer Science & Engineering), from GCET college ,JNTUH in 2012
S.S.C from St.Josephs High school ,patancheru in 2006
Professional Background
Presently working as Professor in CSE Department at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Hyderabad since 2016.Worked as Assistant Professor in Department of CSE at TTR , Hyderabad from 2014 to 2016
Administrative Experience
Branch coordinator for ECE
Coordinator in attendance work
Member in Exam Branch
Member in NAAC
Member in NBA Work
Courses Taught
B. Tech(CSE): Theory
1. Computer programming and Data Structures2.Computer programming
3.Programming for problem solving
3.Data Structures
B.Tech(CSE) : Labs
1.IT Workshop Lab2. C Programming & Data Structures Lab
3.Programming for problem solving lab
3.C Programming Lab
4. Data Structures lab
1. R.Shanmuka Shalini ,“An Explosure towards verification of intrusions in Mobile Network” National Conference on “Advances in Computing ,Communication &Electrical Engineering(NCACCEE) held on 23rd August 2014, ISSN:2321-5461
2. G.Gouthami ,R.Shanmuka Shalini, “Mobile Wireless Node Detection Networks:Probabilistic Approach” International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering ,Sceince and management held on 17-18 ,March 2017,ISSN:2348-7550.
2. G.Gouthami ,R.Shanmuka Shalini, “Mobile Wireless Node Detection Networks:Probabilistic Approach” International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering ,Sceince and management held on 17-18 ,March 2017,ISSN:2348-7550.
Professional Work
Seminars and Symposiums
1. Participated in FDP on “Data Science using Phython” conducted by department of IT, GRIET, Hyd on 05 January 2018.2. Participated in FDP on “Effective Teaching Skills within the Classroom” conducted by GRIET between Jan 2017 to April 2017.
3. Participated in workshop on “ Advanced Big Data Analytics with Hadoop Ecosystem” organized by department of CSE,CMR College between 19-21 January 2017.
4. Participated in Two Day Workshop on “Internet Of Things” between 24-25 March 2017 conducted by department of ECE, GRIET, Hyd.
5. Participated in a Three Day National Level workshop on “ Advanced Big Data Analytics with Hadoop Ecosystem” organized by department of CSE,CMR College between 19-21 January 2017.
6. Completed an AICTE approved Foundation Development program(FDP101X) on Foundation Program in ICT for education conducted between 27-7-2017 to 31-8-2017.
7. Completed an AICTE approved Foundation Development program(FDP201X) on Pedagogy for online and blended teaching-learning process-FDP201X conducted between 14-9-2017 to 12-10-2017.
8.Participated in(saptaahant shikshak prashikshn)on Introduction to machine learning Conducted between 16-12-2017 to 17-12-2017.
9.Participated in Scilab-Lecture Demonstration on 12-10-2017 .
10.Participated in Teachers orientation program on Human values and professional ethics conducted by GRIET between 17-7-2017 to 22-7-2017.
11. Participated in One-week FDP on “Faculty Induction Program” conducted by GRIET between 1stoct-8thoct 2016.
12. Participated in two day workshop on “Data Science and Deep Learning” organized by JNTUH during 22-23 July 2019.
13. Participated in one day workshop on “Blockchain technology” organized by JNTUH during 29th June 2019.
14. Participated in Three Day Workshop on “Train the Trainers on Induction Program” organized by JNTUH during 5th-7th August 2019 under TEQIP-III.
1. Problem solving through programming in C, NPTEL , 2018.2. Cloud Computing, NPTEL, 2019
3. Microsoft Certified Educator, 2017
4. Internet of Things,NPTEL,2019.
5. Microsoft Certified on networking fundamentals,2016
6. CCNA Routing and Switching: introduction to Networks.
7. CCNA Routing and Switching : Essentials.