Asst Professor
About myself
S T G Y Sandhya, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, a research scholar at JNTU Hyderabad, completed Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering and Bachelor of Technology in CSE. I have over 8.5 years of academic experience and guided many projects in the field of security and networks.
My research interests include cloud computing and network security, wireless networks.
☎ Contact Details
S T G Y Sandhya
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: sandhya.stgy@gmail.com
Mobile No.:9502385690
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Ph D pursuing in JNTU Hyderabad
M.TECH (Computer Science & Engineering), TRRCE,JNTU, Hyderabad (2010-2012).
B.TECH (Computer Science & Engineering), SWEC, JNTU, Hyderabad (2005-2009).
S.S.C from Vidya Bharathi High School, BHEL, Hyderabad in 2003.
Professional Background
Presently working as Assistant Professor in CSE Department at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Hyderabad since 2013.Worked as Assistant Professor in DRKIST, Hyderabad, June 2012-May 2013. .
Administrative Experience
Coordinator for admission work.
Member of Accreditation work.
Member in exam branch.
Member of Discipline Committee.
Coordinator in NBA work
Mentoring work.
Faculty Coordinator
Courses Taught
B. Tech(CSE): Theory
Computer programming.
Data structures.
Programming through problem solving.
Network security
Digital Logic Design
Computer organization and architecture
Artificial intelligence
Advanced Computer architecture
Database management systems
Object Oriented Aanalysis and Design
Design and analysis of algorithm.
Formal languages and automata Theory.
OOPS through Java
Advanced data sturctures using c++
Compiler Design
Mathematical foundation of computer science.
B.Tech(CSE) : Labs
Computer programming lab
Programming through problem solving lab
Java Lab
IT Workshop
Database management systems lab
c++ lab
Qualified TS SET 2017.
Topper in Problem solving through programming in C, NPTEL , 2018.
Topper in Programming, data structures and algorithms using C, NPTEL, 2018
CCNA certified
Microsoft certified.
Papers presented in Conferences/Seminars
Professional Work
Seminars and Symposiums
1. Completed an AICTE approved Foundation Development program(FDP201X) on Pedagogy for online and blended teaching-learning process-FDP201X conducted between 14-5-2018 to 18-6-2018.
2. Participated in FDP on “Data Science using Phython” conducted by department of IT, GRIET, Hyd on 05 January 2018.
3. Participated in FDP on “Effective Teaching Skills within the Classroom” conducted by GRIET between Jan 2017 to April 2017.
4. Participated in Workshop on “Internet Of Things” between 24-25 March 2017 conducted by department of ECE, GRIET, Hyd.
5. Participated in workshop on “ Advanced Big Data Analytics with Hadoop Ecosystem” organized by department of CSE,CMR College between 19-21 January 2017.
6. Participated in FDP on “Data science & Big Data Analytics” organized by E& ICT academy, NIT Warangal at department of CSE,GRIET between 4-6 and 11-13 November 2016.
7. Participated in 2-day FDP on” Current Research Trends In Computer Science” organized by department of CSE,GRIET between 18-19 December 2015.
8. Participated in 2-day FDP on” Internet of things and its Applications” organized by department of CSE,GRIET between 4-5 December 2015.\
9. Participated in FDP on ”Guide to a Passionate Teacher” organized by department of Career Guidance and Counseling at GRIET, between 29 June to 4 July 2015.
10. Participated in two day workshop on “Data Science and Deep Learning” organized by JNTUH during 22-23 July 2019.
11. Participated in one day workshop on “Blockchain technology” organized by JNTUH during 29th June 2019.
12. Participated in 3 months workshop on “ET601Tx: Educational Technology for Engineering Teachers” organized by IIT Bombay during 7th jan to 7th March in 2016.
13. Participated in 1 day workshop on “Scilab Workshop” organized by GRIET on 4th May 2019.
14. Participated in 1 day workshop on “R programming” organized by GRIET on 9th November 2019.
15. Participated in 1 day workshop on “Moodle Learning Management System” organized by IIT Bombay on 1st March 2019.
Problem solving through programming in C, NPTEL , 2018.
Programming, data structures and algorithms using C, NPTEL, 2018.
Microsoft Certified Educator, 2017
Microsoft Technology Associate, 2016
Cryptography and Network security, NPTEL 2019
Internet of Things,NPTEL,2019.
Cloud Computing, NPTEL, 2019
CCNA Routing and Switching: introduction to Networks. .