Dr. P Varaprasada Rao
About myself
Dr. P Varaprasada Rao, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, He Joined in this institute since November 2006, completed his Ph.D from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK) year of 2017 under the Supervision of Dr A Govardhan, Rector at JNTUH. His Ph.D work on “Evaluating The Dependencies Of Various Bibliometric Indices On Citation Parameters Of Journals Using Linear Regression And Partition Based K-Centroid Clustering Algorithm”. He is around 14 years of Teaching and Research Experience. He completed M.Tech from A.U College Of engineering at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam year of 2006.He Completed B.E.(CSE) from BDU University year of 2002.
Dr. P Varaprasada Rao Research interesting areas are Data Mining, Computer Networking and Security and its application areas. He had published around 30 papers in various International Journals and Conferences and also he has filed 2 Patents from Intellectual Property of India. He Guided 12 M.Tech Projects and 24 B.Tech Projects.
Dr P Varaprasada Rao is Coordinator for GRIET-CSI Student Branch, during that period and he was conducted various Technical Fests and Activities under CSI Student Branch. He had Organizing Committee Member for Springer International Conference (ICWSNUCA) 2018 at GRIET. He attended around 20 FDP’s/STTP’s. Also he was conducted Various Faculty Development Programs in Department of CSE.
Dr P Varaprasada Rao actively participated in Academic and Administrative works in Department and Institutional Level. He got Elite certificate in “Cryptography and Network security “from NPTEL IITB. He got OCJP certification from Oracle Corporation.
☎ Contact Details
Dr.P Varaprasada Rao
Professor in Department of CSE
Department of Computer Science
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Mobile No:+91 9032579779, 8317666978
Email: prasad.p@griet.ac.in
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
He pursuit Ph.D(CSE) from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada(JNTUK), 2017He has completed M.Tech(IT) from AU, Visakhapatnam, 2006.
He has completed B.E(CSE) from BDU University, 2002.
He has given guidance to students for 15 MTech projects and 40 B.Tech projects.
He has given guest lectures on various topics specific to Computer Science and Engineering.
He got appreciations for meeting the criteria (“100% students passed and 100 Marks in the subject”).
Professional Background
Around 14 years of teaching experience- From November-2006 to till date Working as Professor in GOKARAJU RANGARAJU INSTITUITE OF ENGINEERING. & TECHNOLOGY, HYD
- From May-2005 to October 2006 Worked as Asst. Proff. In RAGHU ENGG. COLLEGE, Visakhapatnam.
Administrative Experience
- Dean FS in Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana , December 2018 to Till date.
- IV year Coordinator in Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana , July 2018 to June 2019.
- TCS Coordinator in Exam Branch.
- M.Tech Coordinator in Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana , July 2010 to June 2012.
Committee Work
CSI Student Branch Counsellor from September 2014 to 2015.Courses Taught
Subjects of B.Tech
- Information Security
- Cloud Computing
- Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science
- Software Testing Methodologies
- Mobile Computing
- Operating Systems
- Computer Networks
- Web Technologies
- Principles of E-Commerce
- Human Computer Interaction
- Software Engineering
Subjects of M.Tech:
- Distributed Computing
- Cryptography and Network Security
- Computer System Design
- Advanced Problem Solving
Few As Guest Lecturer
Guest Lecture Talk On “Cryptography and Network Security” at RIET, Rajahmundry.Guest Lecture Talk on “Distributed Computing” at Avanthi College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam.
Patents Published
- P.VaraprasadaRao, “Obstacle Detection of Robot” IJRASET, ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor :6.887,Volume 6 Issue II February 2018
- P.VaraprasadaRao, “Hierarchical Scheduling on Grid Environment” IJRTS,Vol. 5, Issue 3, February 2018 | ISSN (online): 2348-1439
- P.VaraprasadaRao, “PVM & MPI in Parallel & Distributed Systems” IJRTS, Vol. 5, Issue 3, February 2018| ISSN (online): 2348-1439
- P.VaraprasadaRao, “A Review on Secure Multi-Keyword Ranked Search for MultiData Owners in Cloud Computing” IJSRCSEIT ,Volume 3, February 2018, Issue 1, ISSN : 2456-3307
- P.VaraprasadaRao, "PERFORMANCE OF SVM FOR LARGE DATA SETS",IJCEA issn 2321-3469, Vol XII, Issue I, January 2018.
- P.VaraprasadaRao, “Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud” IJRTS,Vol. 5,Issue 2, January 2018 | ISSN (online): 2348-1439
- P.VaraprasadaRao,“A Survey on Enhanced Routing Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks” IJCSE,Volume-6, Jan 2018, E-ISSN: 2347-2693
- P.VaraprasadaRao,“Confidentiality Conserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Above Encrypted Cloud Data” IJCESR,ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-8, 2017
- P.VaraprasadaRao,“A python based regression approach on reliable journal parameters to assess few scientific impact measures” IJCA(0975 – 8887) February 2016
- P.VaraprasadaRao,“Implementation of a python based hierarchical clustering program on h-index dataset of journals using normalization and priority queue elements”International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 24 (2015) pp 44440-44444.
- P.VaraprasadaRao, “A Python Based Regression Script to Evaluate Dependency Of H-Index Of Journals On Various Citation Parameters” i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, ISSN-2277-5110,Vol. 4,No. 4 September – November 2015
- P.VaraprasadaRao,“Progression Towards Controlling of Packets Loss in Networks”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Research, Vol. 2, Issue 1,776-778, December/January 2014.
- P.VaraprasadaRao,“Content Based Removing Text in OSN through Policy Based Personalization”IJRECS, July – Aug 2014, V-1, I-4,ISSN-2321-5484
- P.VaraprasadaRao, “Multi-Cloud Architecture to Reduce Security Risks in Cloud Computing” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 ISSN: 2277 128X
- P.VaraprasadaRao,”A Comparative study of indexing techniques in Big data” International Conference On Knowledge Discovery In Science And Technology 2018, Volume XII, Special Issue, April 18, ISSN 2321-3469
- P.VaraprasadaRao,“ Parallel protein Folding with STAPL ”International Conference on Bioinformatics in Computer Science and Engineering,2006
Scopus Indexed Paper Publications
- “Determination of mobile sink path in wireless sensor networks using learning techniques “International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Volume 8 Issue5 ,ISSN No: 2249-8958, 2019.
- “Improve the integrity of data using hashing algorithms “International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume 8 Issue 7, ISSN No2278-3075, 2019 .
- “Implementation of a python based hierarchical clustering program on hindex dataset of journals using normalization and priority queue elements”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 24 (2015) pp 44440-44444.
- “Detection of Malicious Uniform Resource Locator”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume 8 Issue 2, ISSN NO 2277-3878, 2019
- "Sparse Representations of Blind Image Deblurring with Motion" International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-8S3, June 2019.
IEEE Conference Paper Publications
- “Modified Hierarchical Clustering algorithms to evaluate the Similarities of Growth Factor IR Inhibitors by Using Multivariate Regression Analysis”, IEEE 4th ICCCA at Galgotia University, Noida, 2018.
- “A Novel Approach in Clustering Algorithm to Evaluate the Performance of Regression Analysis by Using Various Citation Index Parameters”, IEEE 8th IACC At Benneth University, Noida 2018.
- “Motif Shape Primitives on Fibonacci Weighted Neighborhood Pattern for Age Classification”, IEEE ICSSIT at Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli., 2018.
- “Age grouping with central local binary pattern based structure co-occurrence features “ IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Systems andInventive Technology, ICSSIT 2018 , Xavier Engineering College ,Tirunelveli,2018.
Talks/Paper Presentations
Lecture Talk On “Cryptography and Network Security” at RIET, Rajahmundry
Guest Lecture Talk on “Distributed Computing” at Avanthi College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam.
Member of Institution of Engineers.
Professional Work
Seminars and Symposiums
Appointed as M.Tech , Project Viva Voice Examiner for Various CollegesWorkshops/FDP's Attended
1. Participated in a FDP on “Foundation Program in ICT for Education” Conducted by IIT Bombay, 2017.
2. Participated in a Workshop on “Machine Learning” Conducted by IIT Kharagpur from 16th -17th December 2017.
3. Participated in a FDP on “Data Science & Big Data Analytics” Conducted by Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT Warangal at GRIET from 4th -6th and 11th -13th November 2016.
4. Participated in a FDP on “Open Source Software Through TEL by Spoken Tutorials” Conducted by Department of IT, GRIET from 6th -17th September 2016.
5. Participated in a FDP on “Guide to a Passionate Teacher” Conducted by Career Guidance and Counseling at GRIET from 29th June to 4th July 2015.
6. Participated in a Two Week ISTE STTP on “Introduction to Design of Algorithms” Conducted by IIT Kharagpur at GRIET from 27th April to 24th May and 25th May to 30th May 2015.
7. Participated in a Two Week ISTE Workshop on “Computer Networks” conducted by IIT Bombay at GRIET from 28th May to 29th June and 30th June to 5th July 2014.
8. Participated in a AICTE STTP on “Pedagogical Training (Module-1)” Conducted by NITTR Chandigarh from 25th to 29th November 2013.
9. Participated in a workshop on “Spatial Data Mining” Conducted by Department of IT, GRIET from 7th to 9th February 2013.
10. Participated in a FDP on “Java Programming” organized by Department of CSE, GRIET from 29th to 31st January 2013.
11. Organized by a FDP on “System Software Development” organized by Department of CSE, GRIET from 21th to 23st February 2013.
12. Organized by a FDP on “ANDROID Development Application” organized by Department of CSE, GRIET from 27th to 28st February 2013.
13. Organized by a FDP on “Emerging Trends of Computing Technologies” organized by Department of CSE, GRIET from 18th to 19st March 2013.
14. Participated in a Workshop on “PHP with My SQL &Post GRE SQL” Organized by Department of IT, GRIET from 27th to 29th December 2012.
I got OCJP certificate with 98% from Oracle Corporation.I got GOLD Certificate of “Introduction to Internet of Things” from NPTEL, IIT Bombay.
I Got Elite Certificate of “Cryptography and Network Security” from NPTEL, IIT Bombay.